Monday, February 15, 2010

The Cruise...

Enough said.  I've never had so much fun IN.MY.LIFE. Enjoy a few pictures.  (and I do mean only a FEW because I think I must have put around 100 on Facebook.....)
I'm ready for another one.


Malerie said...

so happy you guys had so much fun!!
i wish i could have seen the sunlight! cruises are a blast! and cruises with friends are even more fun! still jealous... oh well...

Michelle said...

I am there!!!

Chris and Tara said...

I'm so glad it was so much fun. Can't wait to hear all about it.

Sami said...

You just almost made me cry for three reasons.

A.) I desperately, desperately want to go on a cruise.

B.) I am completely jealous that you can wear a bikini. What the heck!

C.) I really miss you guys! We need to hang out soon. John graduates in May, but sometime before that?
