Sweet Lucy Girl
Some decorations!
Patiently waiting for her cake. We stripped her down to her diaper and bib, hoping that she would dive 2 fists first into her cake. Instead, we got this.....
Some dainty little girlness :)
She would only "dive" in with one tiny finger at a time! It finally got going once Brady crammed her fist into it and she got a real taste of the deliciousness that the cake had to offer.
She was SUPER happy after all that sugar!
Thanks to all who came to celebrate with us! We had such a good time!
While I'm at blogging, which I have been a major slacker lately, I'll do Lucy's 1 year appt.
We took Lucy in for her 1 year appt on Monday. Again, seriously, 1 year?! Everyone told me I would feel like this but I still can't believe it, pick my jaw up off the floor. I have a beautiful, smart, fun, growing, 1 year old girl. Crazy.
At 1 year, Lucy is
Walking (since 10 mo actually!)
Talking....a little, Hi is her new favorite word. We've also heard her utter "uh oh", "oh wow" and "hey" and of course lots of Mama and Dada
Climbing! Up and down her little tikes play gym that has taken up residence in her room thanks to Grandma Cathy for her birthday. She LOVES that thing. She also climbs up legs, bodies, toys, couches, anything she can get her little legs on!
Going down the slide by herself, so cute!
Signing a lot! She does.....more, all done, eat, please, drink,
Getting to know her face, she knows where her nose and ears are!
Sitting front facing in her carseat, barely! She is JUST 20.5 lbs in the 38%, still our little petite one :)
Finally wearing some 12mo clothes. Shes still in 6-9 jammies and onesies with some 12mo mixed in there. Shes still long though, 29in, 85%, definitely 12mo pants, even though they fall off her belly.
Waving bye bye
Very friendly, she says hi and plays with EVERYONE when we go out.
Still going to people very well, not too much apprehension for strangers yet!
Very very cuddly. Just in the last little while this has come about and let me tell you, I LOVE it. She is super snuggly and it is the sweetest thing ever.
Getting a little picky, her new favorite food is clementines. She is still a good eater but she has to feel it now and smash it in her fingers before she tries it.
Starting to love playing with other kids, finally! It's so nice.
Powering up any and every set of stairs she can set her sights on. Going down is another story.
Sleeping like a champ. 12 1/2 to 13 to sometimes longer at night and 2 naps 1 hour to 1 1/2
Has 8 teeth, 4 top and 4 bottom, and the Dr said she is close to breaking her molars, eeeekkkk!
We love her so much and can't believe she is so big already!
Happy Birthday Lucy!
Crazy that all these kids are turning one, already!
she is seriously adorable! we need a play date, soon!
Happy Birthday Lucy-girl! Sorry we missed the party but that cake looks amazing.
k she's adorable and all but i seriously love your 'happy birthday' sign - you're so gifted gretchen! (i'm assuming that you made it right??)
happy bday luc!
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